Friday, November 15, 2013

Week Ten

Last weekend I took my children to the coast for a bit of fun and relaxation.  The wildness of the coastal waters is incredibly soothing to me. Digging my toes into the cold damp sand grounds my energy and quiets my mind.  The multisensory experience of being at the coast is very special to me.  If I had to live in a prison I would miss it desperately.

A few months ago I did a special ocean themed service with the Pagan circle.  The first thing we did was a fun meditation from the book Sandra Kynes Sea Magic: Connecting with the Ocean's Energy.  I read the meditation to them while we listened to a recording of the oceans waves.  The meditation was about how to find your sea fetch, which is basically an ocean themed animal guide.  The interesting thing was that no one saw the type of animal they were expecting.  It lead to some great conversations.

After that we chanted We All Come From The Goddess by Z. Buddapest while holding small seashells.  Although the shells were very small, the inmates found that they could still hear a bit of the ocean if they held them up to their ears.

Lastly we talked about the ways that people living in a limited setting such as a prison can connect with the energies of the ocean.  As we chatted we snacked on pieces of roasted and seasoned seaweed.  The inmate’s reaction to the seaweed was pretty amusing.  Some were very hesitant to try it, while others dove right in.  Most of them delighted in having a totally different taste sensation to explore.

Volunteering in a correctional facility has opened my eyes to the simple blessings of my life, and I enjoy being near the ocean more than I ever have before.

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