Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2014!  My new term hasn't officially started yet, but I have been working on a few things for it.  One of the big projects is that I am preparing to start a new SoulCollage® program at the prison.  SoulCollage® is a fun, simple, and intuative form of collage that can help people make meaninging out of their lives.  I am hoping to incorporate this work into my masters thesis paper.

All of the little collages you have seen accompanying my blog posts are examples of my own SoulCollage® cards.  Each one has a special and unique meaning and I can't wait to see what art the inamtes create.  The first step is getting my thesis proposal written and approved.  I had planned on doing all of that over my break, but was derailed when I got a cold and flu virus back to back.

One of the other little projects I have been working on is making a new postcard for the prison.  I use Vistaprint to design and print out postcards that have a listing of all the Pagan Sabbats, full moons, and new moons for the year.  Vistaprint makes this easy and has many options.  I can sometimes get a great Groupon for Vistaprint, or Vistaprint almost always has some sort of promotion going.

This is what this years looks like.  I had to blur out the name of the prison on the front.  You will notice that I used the generic Sabbat dates for this, although if you want to get fancy you could look up the specific dates for each one!  While this is a bit of a cost for me, I count is part of my giving back for the year.

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